Monday, June 4, 2007



As a reminder, a revised thesis is due @ 8:00pm on Sunday, 07.22.07 & Research Logs are due on Wednesday, 07.25.07. I will be in my office during class period (1:45pm-3:45pm). You must drop them off at this time to receive credit.

Also, next week will be an out-of-class writing week. Use this time wisely, as the following week rough drafts will be due. I will assist anyone who needs help constructiing their final assignment or would like me to read over their draft.



Research Logs 19 & 20, as well as the peer review form for the final paper, are now up on the blog.

Please, check the schedule below for the reading & homework assignments for next week.



I have added a sample Annotated Bibliography entry so that everyone can see how the assignment should be formatted. Since this is a bit late notice, I will spend the last 20 minutes of tomorrow's class (W, 07.11.07) discussing concerns about proper presentation; thus, the new due date for this assignment is Thursday, 07.12.07 @ 1:45PM.

As I mention during the last class period, here is the schedule for the remainder of the semester. All readings, per usual, can be found on Blackboard:

07.11.07 (W, OPTIONAL): Discussion of chapter 2 in Rhetoric: A User's Guide. Those who were not assigned this chapter should read p.33-45.

07.12.07 (R): A.B. due @ 1:45PM.

07.16.07 (M, OPTIONAL): Discussion of chapter 5 in Rhetoric: A User's Guide. Those who were not assigned this chapter should read p.134-55.

07.18.07 (W, OPTIONAL): Discussion of chapter 6 in Rhetoirc: A User's Guide. Those who were not assigned this chapter should read p. 193-208.

07.22.07 (Su): Email me a revised thesis by 8:00PM worth 1 point.

07.23.07 (M): Out-of-class writing week. I will hold office hours during the schedule class period. If you would like to discuss the trajectory of your project or have me read a draft of your paper, please stop in.

07.25.07 (W): Out-of-class writing week. I will hold office hours during the schedule class period. If you would like to discuss the trajectory of your project or have me read a draft of your paper, please stop in. Research Log Due @ 1:45PM. THIS MEANS EVERYONE WILL HAVE TO AT LEAST STOP BY MY OFFICE TO DROP THIS OFF.

07.30.07 (M, MANDATORY): Final paper peer review session. FULL participation in this class will be worth 1 point.

08.01.07 (W, MANDATORY): Final paper peer review session. FULL participation in this class will be worth 1 point.

08.03.07 (F): Final paper due @ 1:45PM.

I will post the peer review form for the Final Paper, as well as Research Logs 19 & 20, on the blog over the next few days, so check back soon.



Email me another revised thesis that contains my comments by 7:00pm Sunday, 07.08.07. This assignmnet will be worth 1 point.

Continue reading "Rhetoric3.pdf" & the additional chapter I assigned you during our conferences.

Continue working on Research Logs 15-18.

Your Annotated Bibliography is due on 07.11.07.

We do not have class on Wednesday, 07.04.07 b/c of the holiday. Enjoy your day off.



At this juncture, everyone should have received a numeric grade & corresponding comments for your Research Proposal. If you have not received an email, please speak with me before or after class.

I have add several .pdf files on Blackboard. Everyone in the class must read "Rhetoric3.pdf." I will also assigned each student one selection from Rhetoric: A User's Guide, chapters 2, 5, or 6 (Also on Blackboard). The selection will be based on the subject matter of your research project.

By Friday, you will all receive comments on the second thesis statement you provided for me last week. If you did not do so, email me one ASAP.

Continue working on Research Logs 15-18 in the library while I am conferencing with students.

As a reminder, the Annotated Bibliography is due on 07.11.07.



Read "Envision5.pdf" for next week. This chapter contains information regarding the research process & techniques for evaluating sources; it will be necessary to understand this material before heading to the library next week. The file, as always, can be found on Blackboard.

While in the library, you will be completing Research Logs 15-18. Read the guidelines on this site for specific details.

Everyone must send me a new, revised thesis by 1:30pm on Monday, June 25th. Completion of this assignment will be worth 1 point. I expect the updated thesis statements to contain answers to the questions I raised about your first draft.



We will begin working on Researh Log 12-14 in class today. Please, complete these before Monday's class, as they will be necessary for effectively navigating the library over the next 2 weeks.

Please, if you have not already done so, read "Envision3.pdf," which can be found on Blackboard; if you have previously read this selection, skim over the sections on multiple perspectives (57-9, & 72-5) & rhetorical arrangement (76-7, & 84-5). We will be covering these sections in-depth on Wednesday's class.

Research Proposals need to be posted by 1:30PM this Wednesday, 06.20.07, for credit.



In class today, complete Research Log 11.

Please read "Envision4.pdf," which can be found on Blackboard, for Monday's class.

Write the rough draft of your Research Proposal & bring it to Monday's class for workshopping. Full participation (a working rough draft & active peer-reviewing) will be worth 2 points.

Email me your tentative thesis statement (hypothesis) by Friday, 12:00pm (noon) This will be worth 1 point.



In class today, we will complete Research Log 8 & 9; for Wednesday's class, please complete Research Log 10.

Please read "Envision4.pdf," which can be found on Blackboard, for Wednesday's class.

Begin pre-writing & drafting for your Research Proposal. The rough draft is due 1 week from today.

Also, as advanced notice, each of you will be required to email me a tentative thesis statement (or hypothesis) by Friday at 12:00pm (noon). This will be worth 1 point. It will be to your benefit if you begin working on this sooner than later. Research Log 9 & 10 should be helpful in this endevour. I would also suggest reading pages 63-66 in "Envision3.pdf" again; they will provide you with additional help in this matter.



In class today, we will complete Research Log 6; for Monday's class, please complete Research Log 7.

Please read "Envision3.pdf," which can be found on Blackboard, for Monday's class.

Additionally, make sure you have your primary source & appropriate links (you should have all the material on these external sites read) uploaded by 12:00am (midnight) tonight. This assignment will be worth 2 points. (See the practice project I created in class as an example.)

Finally, create a link to this page ( & embed it within the sidebar of your own page.



Please review the Research Proposal Guidelines & read pages 113 & 114 in "Envision4.pdf," which is located on Blackboard. These texts should help you with formulating your proposal that is due on 06.20.07 (Rough Draft due on 06.18.07, which will be workshopping in class).

Read pages 139-144 in "Envision5.pdf" concering the difference between primary & secondary sources. This material can also be found on Blackboard.

Complete Research Log 5.

Finally, upload to your "Main" page the image, video, audio, or text that you will be working with for the duration of your research project. Below the embedded primary source, incorporate 3 categoreis of links that provide cursory background information on your subject matter. For this aspect of your project, you may use secondary sources such as Wikipedia, BUT SUCH SITES CANNOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PORTION OF YOUR PROJECT.

FYI: I have added links to both the Auraria Library & Denver Public Library on the sidebar, as well as links to each student's ENGL 2030 blog.

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